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I place a special piece of rare Iranian Blue Salt
in every kilo jar.
Master Salt is sold per kilo or half kilo only
€250 per kilo [2.2 lbs.]
One Kilo Jar
Half Kilo Jar
Free Travel Vial
€145 for half kilo [1.1 lbs.]
Shipping is free and available
world-wide via UPS.
Master Salt is sent in Miron Glass and vacuum-sealed around the glass.
Master Salt is sold in Euro.
Upon payment,
PayPal automatically converts all
world currencies into Euro.
It's seamless and effortless.
Please note: any customs, duty, VAT and/or import taxes are paid by the customer.
With every order, I include a
[free] little glass vial of Master Salt
for purse, pocket, travel and restaurants so you can always carry your own Master Salt.
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